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4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1064 Reviews

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old hickory tn

Are You Afraid Of Spiders?

Spiders have a reputation for being creepy crawly pest that many people are afraid of. In reality, of all the different spider species in Tennessee, only a couple are considered dangerous. Spiders generally live outdoors and they can be extremely beneficial by helping to reduce the insect population on your property. It is only when spiders decide to move from the outdoors into your home that they can become a nuisance or worse. Common spiders that have a tendency to infest homes are house spiders, the black widow spider, and the brown recluse spider. While common house spiders are harmless and cause no real threat, it’s the few venomous black widow and brown recluse that have given spiders a bad reputation. Controlling and eliminating spiders can be difficult. Spiders are shy and elusive, so it can be hard to find all the areas of your home and outbuildings where they hide. The best way to ensure your spider infestation is eliminated quickly and safely is to get help from All-American Pest Control.

all american tech standing in front of service vehicle outside of clients home in old hickory tennessee

Home Pest Control Programs In Old Hickory, TN

Living in Tennessee means that as each year progresses and the season's change from one to another, so does the laundry list of pests that have the potential to invade your Old Hickory home. Tree limbs that are too close to your home’s roof, mulch that is touching the foundation, cracks in the exterior walls of your home, open windows and doors, and more can all allow pests to enter into your home throughout the year and damage its structure, destroy personal property, introduce diseases and just, in general, become a huge nuisance for you and your family to deal with. To protect your home year-round from dangerous and damaging pest invasions trust the experts here at All-American Pest Control and our highly effective home pest control programs. Each of our 3 year-round home pest control programs will protect your home from over 47 common household pests. We focus on the exterior of your home in order to stop the pests BEFORE they have the chance to get inside and cause trouble for you and your family. For added peace of mind, our professionals will come back at no charge to take care of any pests problems that ever arise in between visits.

  • Perimeter Plus Pest Control program - In addition to providing protection for over 47 different household pests. This program also provides spider web removal and outdoor misting treatments to provide protection against five common outdoor pests-mosquitoes, flies, Japanese beetles, boxelder bugs, and spiders.
  • All-For-One Advantage program - This plan includes our home pest control services, plus the benefits of termite colony elimination.
  • All-For-One Complete program - This plan includes pest control for both your home and yard, in addition to termite colony elimination!

Contact us today to receive more information about any of our home pest control programs, or to schedule your free, no-obligation home evaluation!

Mosquito Prevention Tips In Old Hickory, TN

At All-American, we offer a comprehensive mosquito reduction misting service that works exceptionally well against adult mosquitoes. Our pest specialists spray tree canopies that are in close proximity of your home, bushes, shrubs, and underneath deck areas--all of the places mosquitoes like to hide during the daytime. In addition to our mosquito reduction misting service, we want to provide you with the following tips to help prevent your property from being overrun by mosquitoes and to help stop you and your family members from becoming their next meal.

  • Store containers that can collect water upside down when not in use, shake off tarps, boat and grill covers, and/or fill in low lying areas on your property. Make sure that gutters are unclogged and are in working order to direct water away from your home, and eliminate all other areas of standing water on your property. 
  • Keep lawns mowed short; mosquitoes like to rest in tall grasses during the heat of the day.
  • Reduce flowering landscaping that is planted near the outside of your home.
  • To help prevent mosquitoes from entering into your home make sure that screens in windows and doors are completely intact.
  • Mosquitoes are poor flyers, so placing fans on porches or deck areas can help to make it so they can’t reach you.
  • Use a mosquito repellent with DEET, or if you would like a more natural option - oil of eucalyptus when spending time outside.
  • When spending time outside try to wear long sleeves and pants, and make sure that your clothing is light in color; dark clothing can attract mosquitoes to you.

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Commercial Pest Control Solutions For Old Hickory, TN Businesses

all american tech providing commercial pest control services in old hickory tennessee

At All-American Pest Control we have over 50 years of experience in the commercial pest control industry. We take great pride in our commitment to providing our business customers with pest control solutions that are both safe and highly effective.

At All-American Pest Control we have a tailored pest management solution that meets the special needs of every industry we serve; we are a locally owned and operated pest control company so we have a great understanding of the pest pressures business owners in Middle Tennessee face. Let us concentrate on eliminating and controlling pests in and around your facility so that you can concentrate on your business!

To schedule an evaluation of your Old Hickory commercial property by one of our highly trained and skilled professionals, get in touch with us today!

Green Pest Solutions In Old Hickory, TN

If you are looking for a green solution to pests that are becoming a nuisance in and around your Old Hickory home, then our Green Choice Pest Control program is for you! This eco-friendly solution works to very effectively provide the exterior protection against pests you need to stop pests before they have the chance to get inside. This program has the guarantee that if a pest problem ever does pop-up indoors between service visits we will return and handle the situation at no additional charge! Our green pest control solutions that protect your home against pests include:

  • Essentria™ - Essentria uses plant based oils to control insects. This product works by blocking a neurotransmitter that is essential to an insect’s survival. It is tough on insects but causes no harm to people, pets, fish, or birds.
  • Borate-based solutions - Borates work by blocking a pest’s ability to derive nourishment from the food it eats. Mammals naturally eliminate excess Boron, this means borate based solutions are not harmful to mammals.
  • Sentricon® System with Always Active™ - Sentricon® with Always Active™ has been awarded the prestigious Presidential Green Chemistry Challenge Award for being environmentally responsible. This system is safe for the environment but works to quickly and completely eliminate entire termite colonies from homes and properties.

Contact us today to learn more about our eco-friendly pest control solutions for your Old Hickory, Tennessee property!

The Trick To Keeping Spiders Out Of Your Old Hickory Home

There are many types of spiders in Old Hickory. Most are simply a nuisance to humans, but a couple are venomous and dangerous to your health. Regardless of what species of spiders you find in or around your property, the fact remains that you don’t want them in your home. Spiders build webs and can indicate another pest problem; plus, they aren’t the nicest creatures to look at. 

If you want to keep spiders out of your Old Hickory home, there are a few things you can do. 

  • Regularly remove any webs you find developing in your house and outside your home.
  • Seal any small openings you see coming into your house.
  • Reduce moisture both inside and outside your house.
  • Replace your porch lights with yellow bulbs that are less attractive to spiders.
  • Make sure you don’t have another pest problem in your home that might attract spiders as a food source.

The best way to fully protect your home from spiders is to get spider control services from All-American Pest Control. Our spider control services protect your house with a treatment that keeps spiders out.


Why Stinging Insect Infestations In Old Hickory Should Be Left To Professionals 

Eating dinner on your back deck isn’t much fun when wasps are buzzing around your drinks or landing on your chairs, and your kids won’t enjoy playing in the yard if they’re getting chased by angry hornets. If stinging insects are a problem on your Old Hickory property, it’s something you should be concerned about. Not only can they ruin your time outside, but they can also be dangerous. Stinging insect stings hurt, and if you’re allergic to them, you know how serious a sting can be.

Trying to eliminate a stinging insect infestation on your own is just as, if not more, dangerous than simply ignoring the problem. Stinging insects are programmed to attack any perceived threat, so if you go after their nest, you’re likely to end up covered in painful stings. Instead of risking a painful encounter with these pests, leave the stinging insect control to the experts at All-American Pest Control. We can safely remove your stinging insect problem to protect your family and allow you to spend time outdoors on your property without the threat and annoyance of swarming stinging insects.


Five Signs Your Old Hickory Home Has A Cockroach Problem 

Cockroaches are pests that you do not want in your Old Hickory home. These pests spread diseases like it’s their job; they breed rapidly and are very difficult to get rid of. Knowing what signs to look for to identify a cockroach problem in your house can help you determine if cockroaches are present so that you can take action to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Here are five signs that your Old Hickory home has a cockroach problem.

  1. Roaches prefer to stay hidden, but if you see even just one, you likely have an infestation.
  2. Cockroach droppings often look like pepper flakes but can be bigger and are typically found where they spend most of their time, such as under sinks.
  3. Finding shed skins indicates cockroaches are in your house.
  4. Finding egg casings indicates an infestation.
  5. Noticing a foul, musty scent is a sure sign you have cockroaches.

House cockroach prevention is the best way to avoid a cockroach problem, but if you discover any of the signs above, contact All-American Pest Control right away. We offer cockroach control services that effectively eliminate even the toughest cockroach problems.


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