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Wasp Prevention Is A Year-Round Job In Nashville

Are you curious when wasps will die off or when they're going to go away? If wasps have been frustrating you this year, we have some good news. In the cold temperatures of December, January and February, most wasps die off. But there is a little bad news. Dropping temperatures cause wasps to hide inside Nashville homes. Here's how it works.

We have several species of wasp in Tennessee. The two most common pest wasps are paper wasps and yellow jackets. Paper wasps create grey, egg-shaped nests in locations above the ground. Yellow jackets create most of their nests in the ground or inside voids. Both of these wasps can hide in homes for the winter.

wasps up close

The Life Cycle of a Wasp

At the end of fall and the beginning of winter, wasp queens begin to produce male and female reproductives. The job of these newly hatched reproductives is to leave the nest and develop nests of their own.

Drones feed the female reproductives to fatten them up for the coming winter. That is so they'll make it through without a need to go searching for food.

The male and female reproductives leave the nest and mate. Once this is done, the females search for a place to hide, such as a stump, log, or the heart rot of a tree. Females may also choose to hide in your home. That is why wasps are still lingering around your home. Female reproductives are larger than workers, you are likely to notice them when they start exploring your exterior for a place to hide.

When the cold weather kicks in, the reproductive males die off along with all the wasps of the nest they came from. It is usually only the reproductive females (the future queens) that survive. There are some conditions that can allow a nest to survive the winter but it is more of the exception than the rule.

During the winter, the female reproductives go into a low-energy state called diapause. In this state, a female wasp is able to slow her metabolism down and conserve the energy stored in her body. In diapause, she is also more resistant to the cold. It is sort of like hibernation, only she can wake up as soon as the conditions outside become favorable again. She does not have an internal clock, at least not that we know of.

If a future queen wasp tucks herself away inside your Nashville home, she is likely to emerge in the spring and build a nest on your property or in a void of your home. She may even gain access to your attic space and create a nest in your rafters. Wherever she creates her nest, it can present a threat to you, your family and your pets.

Wasps in Winter

As it begins to get chilly outside, it can be easy to let your guard down. Insects disappear from the landscape outside. But wasps inside your attic space or in your shed, garage, barn or outbuilding, can still be active. Be cautious when you go to pull anything out of storage. Take a quick check with a flashlight to see if there are any nests or any wasps flying around. And, of course, listen for buzzing sounds.

Wasp Control All Year Long

The Nashville pest control professionals at  All-American Pest Control, we help homeowners reduce unwanted encounters with wasps all year long. During the warm months, we help with the detection of nests and the proper removal of nests. When it starts to get cold, we provide feedback for how you can keep pests from getting in. In the winter, we're quick to respond if you find a nest inside your attic space. All year long, you're covered.

Take a moment to reach out to us and learn about Perimeter Plus, All-For-One Advantage, and  All-For-One Complete Care pest control from All-American. These residential pest control plans in Nashville cover wasps and a whole lot more. You can get coverage for over 47 common household pests and 10 yard pests. It is essential protection that every Nashville family should have. Let us help you find the right plan for your needs and your budget. We're here to help. Reach out to learn more about our residential and commercial pest control services in Tennessee.


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