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Phorid Flies

What are phorid flies?

phorid fly illustration

Phorid flies are a small fly species with adults growing to between 1/16th and 1/8th of an inch in length.

They are dark brown to black and are commonly referred to as “humpbacked flies” because their arched thorax gives them a humpbacked appearance.

They can also be identified by their distinctive jerky, short flight pattern.

Are phorid flies dangerous?

Yes, phorid flies are a dangerous pest. Phorid flies are very unsanitary and can cause serious health issues for people when they invade homes, hospitals (invading wounds), restaurants, and food processing facilities. They are found living, feeding, and laying eggs on decaying organic matter and feces; all behaviors that allow them to easily come in contact with dangerous diseases and bacteria. When they enter your home, they will land on and contaminate food and food prep areas.

Why do I have a phorid fly problem?

Phorid flies most often enter homes through small spaces found around windows, doors, and through tiny gaps found in the foundation. Phorid flies are partial to the decaying organic matter that is often found in the drains of sinks and bathtubs. These flies thrive in moist areas; a water leak under the foundation, behind a wall, or in a crawl space can attract phorid flies to your property and allow their populations to flourish. 

How do I get rid of phorid flies?

In addition to reducing areas of moisture and organic debris found in and around your property, getting help from a pest control expert that has experience eliminating these pests is the most effective way to get rid of an infestation. At All-American Pest Control, we can help to find and eliminate all phorid flies and other common household pests from your home through our year-round Perimeter Pest Control program or our Green Choice pest control program.


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Can I do it myself?

The best way to safely and completely get rid of phorid flies and prevent a re-infestation is to get help from a professional phorid fly control expert. Do-it-yourself pesticides are often dangerous if not mixed or placed properly, are often ineffective, should never be used around food, and do nothing to help prevent a future re-infestation. If phorid flies have infested your home, contact the pest control experts All-American Pest Control today.

Why choose All-American Pest Control?

With over 50 years of experience, we know the time, effort, and patience it takes to solve any pest problem, including problems with dangerous phorid flies. By choosing All-American Pest Control, you can be sure that you will receive quality services, thorough treatment, and a commitment to solving your pest problem by our trained, experienced, and friendly pest control experts in Nashville and Middle Tennessee.

How can I prevent problems with phorid flies in the future?

The following phorid fly prevention tips can help to reduce problems with these flies in your home:

  • Repair any leaky pipes or fixtures in your home.
  • Make sure that gutters are directing water away from your house.
  • Regularly clean out debris that has built up in your home’s sink drains.
  • Seal even the smallest cracks or crevices found in your home’s foundation and caulk any gaps found around windows and doors.
  • If you have pets, it is important to clean up their feces on a regular basis.
  • Store food in the refrigerator or in sealed containers instead of out in the open on counters or tables.
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