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Have you noticed more ants in your home lately? Well, rest assured that you are not alone. We are getting lots of phone calls from concerned homeowners regarding ants invading homes. While some ants aren't too much to worry about, others can pose some serious problems if their populations are left unchecked. The following is a list of the common ants in our area, and the issues they may cause.

Acrobat Ants: These sound like something you would see at a circus but they are named this because of the way they can hold their abdomen up over their head in a sort of balancing act. These are light brown to black in color and only grow to be around 2.5 to 4 mm.

Argentine Ants: Mostly found in the southeast, these are light to dark brown in color with a single node between the thorax and abdomen. Workers of this species are typically a little over 3 mm long.

Carpenter Ants: It may sound like these little critters can fix things, but they can't. They only destroy things, specifically, the wood of your home. These are the largest ants you may see in your home, measuring in at as long as 13 mm. These destructive ants tunnel galleries through wood.

Fire Ants: While these little red ants do not destroy wooden structures, they do give a stinging bite. Ranging from 3 to 5 mm, these ants have 2 nodes between their thorax and abdomen and, if allowed to multiply, can make an outdoor activity very unpleasant. A bite, or sting, from a fire ant can leave itchy, painful welts with an associated pustule.

Little Black Ants: These ants, as their name suggests, are little and black. Between 1 and 2 mm long, they are shiny black in color and have 2 nodes between their thorax and abdomen. These may be tiny, but they can present a large problem when they invade homes in great numbers.

Odorous House Ants: While these won't eat wood or bite you, they can really cause a stink. Literally. Dark brown to black in color, with a beehive-shaped abdomen and 1 flat, hidden node between thorax and abdomen, these ants, when squished, put off a smell that has been compared to the smell of rotten coconuts. Workers will grow to be approximately 3 mm in length.

How Can You Prevent An Ant Invasion This Fall?

If you wish to keep ants out of your home this fall, consider first repairing any water damaged areas on the outside of your home. Ants love soft wood and will find their way inside (along with many other pests) by squeezing through gaps and cracks. Ants are also drawn to water sources, so the dryer the outside your home is, the less inviting it will be to ants. Also, eliminating any food sources inside your home will deter ants from staying if they do make it inside.

If you're dealing with ants, give us a call. Here at All American Pest Control, we can take care of that ant problem for you in no time. Let us work with you to create an ant-free home. Schedule a free home evaluation today.

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