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Little Black Ants

What Are Little Black Ants?

little black ants in franklin tennessee

Little black ants are native to the United States, and like many other ant species, they are social insects that live in large colonies. As their name suggests, they are very small, with workers of the colony only measuring about 1.5 mm in length. They are dark brown to black in color and have a two-segmented waist.

Little black ants are omnivores that will eat almost anything, including other insects, sweets, melons, vegetables, plant secretions, and grease. They are commonly found foraging for food in long lines along the edges of sidewalks and foundations.

Are Little Black Ants Dangerous?

Little black ants are not considered to be dangerous. Although they have a stinger, it is too small to have any real effect if they sting you. These pests are considered to be a nuisance pest. While they are not known to spread diseases, they can invade your home and the food in your kitchen in large numbers.

Why Do I Have a Little Black Ant Problem?

Little black ants generally nest outdoors in areas like rotting logs, lawns, and in the cracks of cement. Often, when they are out foraging for food, they will enter into homes through small cracks and crevices found in foundations, other exterior walls, and around exterior windows and doors. 

Once inside, little black ants may create new nesting areas and will use your home as a place to easily access food and water. When they find food and water sources in your house, they will continually return to them, as well as alert other ants to their presence. This makes it extremely difficult to eliminate these tiny pests.

How To Get Rid of Little Black Ants

Getting rid of little black ants with over-the-counter products is rarely effective. Although many homeowners have tried DIY methods of ant control, most find that these methods only provide temporary relief before the ants come back full-force.

At All-American Pest Control, we offer effective pest control for homes infested with little black ants, as well as over 47 different pests. To learn more about our home pest control services, and our green pest control solutions, or to find out how we can help you control little black ants in your home or commercial establishment, please contact us today.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get rid of little black ants myself?

Little black ants are impossible to eliminate from your home unless you successfully eliminate all of the nesting sites, but finding the nesting sites can be difficult. This is why the fastest and most effective way to get rid of a little black ant infestation is with the help of pest control professionals serving Nashville and Middle TN

The experts at All-American understand ant behaviors and can get at the root of your ant problem so that it is fully taken care of. For help with an ant infestation in your home, contact All-American Pest Control today.

How can I prevent problems with little black ants in the future?

Preventing little black ants from choosing your property and entering your home is a very difficult task. There are, however, a few things that you can do:

  • Make sure that outdoor trash cans are secured with tight-fitting lids

  • Keep outdoor trash cans away from the exterior of your home

  • Seal any cracks found in your home’s foundation or other exterior walls

  • Caulk around exterior doors and windows

  • Don’t keep food out in the open in your kitchen, but instead place it in sealed containers or the refrigerator

The best prevention against little black ants is to contact the professionals at All-American Pest Control at the first sign of a problem with these pests.

Why choose All-American Pest Control?

With over half a century of experience, we know that it takes knowledge, skill, and commitment to solve your little black ant problem. With All-American Pest Control, you’ll receive the thorough services you need from our trained experts, who are committed to delivering effective results.

Our Perimeter Plus Pest Control program protects your home from little black ants, and over 47 other pests, all year long. Contact us for more information or to schedule your free home evaluation.

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