4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1056 Reviews

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Stink bugs, also referred to as brown marmorated stink bugs, are roughly ¾ of an inch long with a mottled grayish-brown coloration, six legs, and two, thin antennae that are nearly as long as their legs. Before 1996, there were no brown marmorated stink bugs in the United States. Now they are common crop pests that turn into household pests when temperatures drop.

If you've ever had stink bugs invade your Nolensville home, you know why they're called stink bugs. These insects put off a chemical smell when they are crushed or disturbed. But long before they start stinking, these bugs overstay their welcome. No one likes having gross looking, hard-shelled bugs crawling around on their screens, inside their curtains, and on their television. Yet that is what happens every fall.

What can I do to stop stink bugs?

The most important step you can take to keep stink bugs out of your home is to seal cracks, especially around doors, windows, utility conduit, siding, and behind your chimney. These bugs will also find their way into gaps that have formed around wood fascia. When stink bugs come to congregate on your sun-warmed exterior walls, you want to make sure they don't find an entry point to exploit. If you're not able to fix the cracks, gaps, or holes you find, consider using a caulking gun to fill them in.

Inspect all your screens, door sweeps, and weather stripping, to make sure they're in good working condition. Stink bugs can crawl through a tiny hole or slit in a damaged screen. They will squeeze under your garage door if they can. And they'll be happy to take advantage of damaged bristles on a sliding glass door.

Once you've done all you can do, the next step is to have a licensed pest professional apply a crack and crevice treatment to stink bug hiding places and overwintering spots. This will help to make sure those bugs don't find any entry points you missed.

In Nolensville, and throughout Middle Tennessee, All-American Pest Control helps families keep invasive pests, like the marmorated stink bug, out of their homes by offering Perimeter PLUS pest control. It is a three-step program that works to address stink bugs, boxelder bugs, Asian lady beetles, and other overwintering pests. It also protects your home from over 47 of Tennessee's most common household pests. Learn more about it here.

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