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Mice are common pests in College Grove. They get into our homes and they cause lots of problems. But field mice are different from other mice in several ways. One distinct way they are different is that they don't actually prefer to be in our homes. Field mice, which are also called meadow voles, are primarily yard pests. They damage the vegetables in gardens. They eat the bark off the bottoms of trees. They feed on flower bulbs and sedges. They make pathways in grass, and much more. When they get into man-made structures, it is usually barns, sheds, outbuildings and garages. They can, however, get into homes under the right circumstances. A cold winter may cause this to happen. Here are a few tips to help you keep field mice out of all the structures on your property.

Tall Grass is Field Mouse Paradise

College Grove is a rural area with lots of tall grass. This is very appealing to field mice because they eat grass and they also build nests in beds of grass above and below the ground. If you have tall grass on your property, field mice are likely to take notice. This will bring them in close to the structures on your property. Keeping your lawn trimmed low around all the structures on your property can protect them from being invaded by field mice.

Weeds Are Food

There are many weeds that field mice will feed on. If you have weeds or other unwanted vegetation around the structures on your property, it is a good idea to pluck them up. This will eliminate a food source for those critters.

Holes Are Inviting

While these mice prefer to explore holes in the ground, they'll explore a hole in the side of a man-made structure. If you want to keep them out, you need to reduce possible entry points. Some holes can be patched up with a caulking gun or some expanding foam. Some require steel mesh or a piece of wood.

Fencing Isn't Always Working

Field mice are good at digging. They create shallow burrows to live in and are easily able to get underneath fencing that does not go at least a foot under the ground. If you're using fences to keep field mice out of your property or out of areas they are causing damage to vegetation and trees, you need to make sure your fencing goes deep enough to keep them out.

If Mice Have Already Gotten In

There are many ways to get rid of mice that have gotten into your property but the best way is to reach out to a licensed professional. Mice get into voids and they are difficult to trap, especially field mice because their food preferences are somewhat different than house mice and deer mice. If you set traps down with the wrong bait, you're not likely to capture any field mice.

At All-American Pest Control, we assist property owners with industry-leading rodent control in College Grove. Our service team members are highly trained professionals who know how to track mice, monitor for mouse activity, apply appropriate baits, and lay traps in the right locations for effective extraction.

Why It is Important to Keep Field Mice Out

You may be tempted to allow field mice to live in your barn, shed, or outbuildings but keep in mind that mice can transmit diseases to your livestock. They are also a threat to your health. Field mice are a common vector for Hantavirus, which can lead to Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.

For assistance with field mice and other rodent problems, reach out to us. We can help you get control of College Grove rodents.

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