4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

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At All-American Pest Control, we understand that getting rid of one infestation isn’t enough. Pests are relentless, that is why you need to think about our Perimeter Plus Pest Control plan, this plan provides protection from 47 of the most common household pests in Tennessee. We have added protection from five outdoor pests as well, helping you keep your home and yard pest-free and creating a safe zone for you and your family to live and entertain in. These pests include spiders, mice, Asian beetles, mosquitoes, ants, roaches, and many more.
If you have ever been the victim of a pest infestation like mice or cockroaches, you know the expense and the heartbreak of a complete extermination. Our year-round protection plan helps save your home from all that, and our guaranteed service means that if you see any pests in your home in between treatments that you can call us and we will be there to take care of the problem at no extra cost to you.
Our mission is to provide a barrier between pests and your home and yard with quarterly inspections and treatment. This prevents pests such as spiders, cockroaches, ants and more from finding their way into your home, keeping your house safe from contamination or dangerous insects. Periodic treatment for mosquitoes and flies keeps the population down before they get started, helping to minimize the risk for itchy bites and disease.
Our trained technicians will first do a sweep of the exterior of your home and inspect any common entry points such as around doorways, pipe openings, and window sills. Then they will remove any spider webs or other signs of pests too close to your home. Three out of four visits will include treatment to keep any yard pests down, and household pests from being able to get in.
Imagine a virtually mosquito free summer, or digging through the garden without fear of spiders. What if you never had to see ants marching through your kitchen again or wonder how the mice are still getting in? We know that fighting pests is a constant problem for homeowners. Millions of dollars are spent each year on home remedies that usually do not work and are occasionally dangerous to use without the proper training. With our Perimeter Plus Pest Control plan, you can protect your home year-round at a price you can afford, and help keep your family safe from the harmful effects of pests all year long.

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