4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

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Expect bugs this spring! In Nashville, we get a variety of weather that keep bugs guessing and moving.—moving indoors. At All-American Pest Control, we experienced a spike in calls for ants, spiders and other home pest control problems when the unnatural warm winter turned a shocking cold in March.


It makes sense, the warmer winter provided an environment to get pests breeding and multiplying early in Nashville… and the cold March sent them indoors to find a safe haven in our perfect, 72 degree environment.


The top five pest problems reported by homeowners this year include…


1. Ants

2. Mice

3. Termites

4. Brown Recluse Spiders

5. Bed Bugs


Our entomologist, Jim Bilbrey, recent talked with Nashville’s News 2 about the increase in household pests this spring because of the cooler temperatures across the state. These pests are seeking warmth and shelter that the outside is just not providing. This makes your year round home pest control services that much more important! The idea is to create a barrier around the home that pests cannot access. Our home services include coverage of over 47 different pests in the area. In addition, we would like to offer a few pest protection tips, which are also great spring-cleaning tips.


  • Clean out the gutters of debris – gutters are a great harborage spot for Mosquitoes

  • Rake leaves away from the foundation – Pests- especially ants- LOVE leaf clutter

  • Cut back trees and bushes so they do not touch the side of your home – leaves & vines provide the perfect highway to enter your home.

  • Fix leaks both inside and outside – keep moisture to a minimum

  • Do not leave food items out on the counters or dishes in the sink to clean later

  • Do not leave pet food sitting out for prolonged periods of time


At All-American Pest Control we understand just how much trouble household pests can cause which is why we are committed to helping you avoid mice running through the walls, ants in the kitchen, spiders spinning webs in the storage room, and termites damaging wood in the home. If you would like to learn more about our home pest control services in Nashville and Middle TN including our Perimeter Pest Control and Nashville termite control, please contact us today!


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