4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

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Stink bugs in Tennessee are back! Some researchers believe that this year could be one of the worst years for these pests since they were introduced to this country in 1998. These pests are a problem for farms and orchards, but they are also quite a nuisance for homeowners who find stink bugs inside their homes in large numbers in the fall. They are known for the terrible odor they emit when they are frightened or crushed, but the real damage they cause is done to farms, where they destroy soybeans, corn, peppers and other crops.

Having stink bugs inside your home can be frustrating. You will find them near windows and buzzing around lights, televisions and computer screens- they are attracted to the light and the warmth. To protect your home from these pests, you can implement some of our stink bug prevention tips and you can choose stink bug control services from the TN pest control professionals at All-American. Want to know how to get rid of stink bugs? Perimeter PLUS pest control in Franklin will help you keep your home pest free throughout the year and you will no longer have to worry about the stink bugs that will be looking to get into your home in the fall.


The benefits of our annual Perimeter PLUS Pest Control program include:


  • Protection from over 47 common pests PLUS protection from stink bugs, mosquitoes, spiders outside

  • Thorough exterior treatments to foundation, window sills we can reach and entry points

  • Misting service to landscaping around your home, tree canopies close to your home, and tree trunks where stink bugs feed.

  • Interior services as needed at no additional charge

  • No annual contracts


If a few stink bugs get inside your home this year. You may try gently removing them from your wall or curtain and dropping them into a bucket of soapy water. If you have large numbers, you may want to call us out to remove them with a professional vacuum. Either way, if stink bugs have gotten inside, you should consider a preventative program because stink bugs are trying to over winter and will emerge again in the spring. We have found the number of stink bugs found on a property increase year after year as stink bugs find your home a perfect harborage for the cold winter. With our Perimeter PLUS program, we will treat in late summer or early fall around your foundation and in cracks and crevices to keep a barrier up and make your home as least inviting as possible.


Our TN pest control professionals will prevent pests from entering your home, but if a pest should find its way indoors, we can help, even between visits! Simply give us a call and we will schedule a time to return to your home and treat for your pest problem, at no additional charge. By keeping on top of all the pests that are a problem for your home throughout the year, you are sure to enjoy a pest free property, even when fall invaders are looking for a place to overwinter.


For more information on our stink bug control and our Perimeter Pest Control program, contact the professionals at All-American Pest Control today! We would be happy to set up your first inspection so that you can be on your way to a pest-free home!


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