4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

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Does it seem too early to be thinking about mosquitoes? Spring has barely sprung, but now would be a good time to remember that mosquitoes are on their way. If these irritating pests haven’t found you already count yourself lucky! Here at All-American we would like to arm you with some mosquito prevention tips from our TN pest control pros. To avoid mosquitoes and their bites this spring try implementing the following:

  • To prevent mosquitoes breeding on your property, you want to take some time and scan your perimeter. It is good to look for holes or containers that may be acquiring water. Mosquitoes need water to breed. So, if you’ve got any sources of water in your yard it would be wise to get rid of it. People don’t typically think of that old tire or empty plant pot as a mosquito breeding zone, but they are! You also want to make sure that any drainage ditches are running free and clear, so water won’t back up.

  • To prevent being bitten by mosquitoes inside your home, we recommend making sure that all doors and windows are fitted with screens. All screens must be free from holes or rips, otherwise they’re kind of pointless. If you don’t know how to repair screens, check out these DIY tips we found online!

  • Mosquitoes will look for cool places to hide during the hottest parts of the day. Tall grass on your property is a prime mosquito hiding place. Make sure that all grass is cut regularly and kept relatively short to make sure mosquitoes can’t find good places to hide.

If you have attempted preventing grounds for mosquitoes to congregate on your property and you still feel they are bombarding your backyard and home we highly suggest calling a Franklin pest control company! The professionals at All-American offer mosquito control service to keep mosquito activity on your property to a minimum this spring. Click here to learn more about this pest control service.

Not only are mosquitoes obnoxious biters that can ruin time spent outdoors, they are also known vectors of many diseases. By the 1st of May last year, there were already 9 batches of mosquitoes that tested positive for the West Nile virus (Click here for more info on the study!).  Along with the West Nile virus, mosquitoes are known for spreading malaria, yellow fever, Dengue fever and many others. Getting rid of mosquitoes on your property shouldn't just be a priority because they are annoying pests, but also because they are a potentially dangerous pest that can put your family and your pets in harm’s way.

If you are worried about mosquitoes on your property this spring and summer and would like to learn more about mosquito control treatments, give the folks at All-American Pest Control a call. We know how to get rid of mosquitoes and we can offer solutions to help reduce the number of these pests you find on your property this year.

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