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Smoky Brown Cockroach

What are smoky brown cockroaches?

smoky brown roach vertical

Smoky brown cockroaches are common outdoor roaches in Tennessee that often find their way indoors seeking shelter. Adults are fully dark brown and can grow to over an inch in length, while newly hatched roaches have a characteristic black coloration with two horizontal white bands across their backs. Like many other species, smoky brown cockroaches have shiny, flat, oval-shaped bodies. Adults have a fully-developed set of wings. They can fly and do so most often in warm, humid weather. 

Smoky brown cockroaches eat decaying matter of all kinds, from plant to animal matter. They are not picky eaters and will eat whatever is available to them. These roaches prefer to live in areas that are dark, warm, and humid. They are often found in wooded areas, but will move indoors if the conditions outside become uncomfortable for them. For example, homeowners commonly find them in water heater closets, garages, and plumbing areas such as under sinks or around bath trap access doors.

Should I be concerned about smoky brown cockroaches? 

Smoky brown cockroaches reproduce quickly compared to the American and Oriental outdoor cockroach species and do have the potential to spread bacteria. Since they have a tendency to get inside our homes and into rooms like the bathroom or kitchen, it’s important to get on a treatment plan if you notice frequent indoor sightings.  


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Why do I have a smoky brown cockroach problem? 

If you have areas in or around your house that are high in humidity and offer a food source, you may end up with smoky brown cockroaches on your property or inside the home. These roaches love warmth and humidity and are often found around water meters, moist mulch beds, sump pumps, and indoor plumbing areas or behind kitchen appliances. They may also be found in attics or crawl spaces where moisture can be a concern.  

How do I get rid of smoky brown cockroaches? 

A pest control specialist can offer insight into any visible leaks, gaps, or high moisture areas that might be contributing to the cockroach issue, then offer treatment options. Because these cockroaches breed rapidly, it’s unlikely that an infestation will clear up on its own. Contact us for your free home evaluation to eliminate your cockroach problem before it grows.

Can I get rid of smoky brown cockroaches myself?

Although there are steps you can take to prevent a smoky brown cockroach issue, we don’t recommend that you try to get rid of an infestation on your own. Cockroaches are good at hiding, they are difficult to eliminate, and they spread a variety of bacteria. 

For these reasons, it’s best to call the professionals at All-American Pest Control at the first sign of a cockroach problem. By choosing to have professional pest control, you’ll have the peace of mind that your smoky brown cockroach issue has been taken care of fully and safely.

Why choose All-American Pest Control?

All-American Pest Control has been solving pest problems for over 60 years. We are a local, family-owned company with a team of expert service professionals who care about making your home or business free of smoky brown cockroaches. We only use the highest quality and most effective treatments to deliver the best results.

How can I prevent problems with smoky brown cockroaches in the future?

The best way to avoid the potential problems of a smoky brown cockroach infestation is to avoid an infestation altogether. By instituting some basic preventative measures, you can make your home and property less appealing to these pests:

Eliminate food sources outside your house by…

  • Storing trash bins away from your house and making sure they have tightly-fitting lids

  • Not leaving pet food outside, or picking up indoor pet food dishes at night if smoky brown roaches are found in them

  • Removing decaying vegetation, such as fallen fruit and dead trees

Reduce moisture around your yard by…

  • Repairing leaks

  • Ensuring proper drainage

  • Not overwatering plants

Seal entry points into your house by…

  • Filling cracks and gaps with caulk

  • Repairing torn screens

  • Fixing holes

  • Covering vents and other openings with fine mesh screens

Properly store food inside your house by…

  • Putting all food in sealed containers

  • Washing dishes immediately after use

  • Keeping countertops free of debris

  • Cleaning up crumbs and other messes after each meal

  • Taking out the trash frequently

Reduce moisture in your house by…

  • Using dehumidifiers in rooms that need them, especially bathrooms and basements

  • Repairing leaking pipes

  • Fixing drippy faucets

By getting in a routine of eliminating food, water, and shelter options for smoky brown cockroaches, you can make your home and yard much less appealing to these pests. If you need further guidance or help getting rid of an infestation, contact All-American’s team of experts today or request your free home evaluation.



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