What Are Earwigs?

Also known as pincher bugs, most people would agree that adult earwigs are creepy-looking pests. They measure about 5/8 of an inch in length and range in color from dark brown to reddish-brown, but it is the large set of pinchers that protrude from the ends of their abdomens that give them their scary appearance. These pinchers are called cerci. Female cerci are straight, while the males’ cerci are curved.
Earwigs can be winged or wingless. Most species have wings, but few actually use them for flight. If they do fly, it is in short bursts.
Are Earwigs Dangerous?
Earwigs may best be known for the myth associated with them—that they crawl into sleeping people’s ears and burrow into their brains to lay eggs. Thankfully, while alarming to think about, this is not true.
Earwigs are generally considered to be a nuisance pest. They can pinch if they feel threatened but are no real danger to humans or our pets. Earwigs can excrete a foul-smelling liquid if they feel threatened.
The biggest threat that earwigs pose is not to people or our homes, but to gardens. They love to eat leaves, stems, and roots of plants, which can damage or kill the plants in your garden or in your house.
What Causes Earwigs?
Earwigs may enter homes through cracks and crevices in foundations and around doors and windows. This often occurs when the temperature outdoors becomes too hot or if the weather is particularly dry.
Earwigs can also be brought inside on newspapers, lawn furniture, or other outdoor objects that are brought indoors.
Once inside, earwigs typically can be found under rugs or potted plants and in dark, moist areas of your home, like bathrooms or the basement. Earwigs come out at night to feed on insects and decaying plant materials found throughout your home.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Get Rid of Earwigs Myself?
Eliminating moisture in your home, as well as sealing any gaps or openings on the outside of the home, will help deter these pests, but contacting All-American Pest Control at the first sign of an infestation is the most effective and safe way to control and eliminate earwigs. If you are having problems with earwigs in Nashville or elsewhere in Middle Tennessee, contact All-American Pest Control today.
How Do I Prevent An Earwig Infestation?
You can prevent earwigs from entering your home by making sure that any cracks or gaps in your home's exterior are sealed, especially around windows, doors, and foundations. Another effective prevention method is to reduce moisture build-up outside of your home, as well as moisture and humidity in your basement and all bathroom areas.
Why Choose All-American Pest Control?
With over 60 years of experience, we know the time, effort, and commitment it takes to solve your earwig problem. With All-American Pest Control, you’ll receive service from trained professionals who work with a serious commitment to thorough treatments and effective results.
If you have earwigs in or around your house, All-American Pest Control provides the home pest control you need to eliminate the problem. Our Perimeter Plus plan not only eliminates active pests in your house, but provides preventative treatments to keep pests out. Contact us to request your free home evaluation.