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When mice get into your Brentwood home, they can be frustrating pests. They can also make you sick. If you want the greatest chance of successfully keeping them out, you need to understand what attracts them to your home in the first place. Often, long before mice get in, they explore your yard. If you have a yard mice like to explore, you're likely to have more trouble with mice. Let's take a look at some of the ways you might be attracting mice without realizing it.

Hiding Places

Mice are timid creatures. They don't prefer to run around out in the open. If your yard has lots of hiding places, mice will feel right at home. Here are a few examples of what will invite a mouse to explore your yard.

  • Tall grass

  • Woodpiles

  • Leaf litter and leaf piles

  • Dense vegetation

  • The void underneath a riding lawn mower

  • Toys that have a void inside or a void underneath

Keep your yard free of organic debris, and remove any objects that don't need to be out there. The more "open" your yard feels, the less inviting it will be to mice.


Do you have bird feeders? If you do, you should be aware that birds aren't the only animals that like to eat seeds. Birdseed is a strong attractant for mice. When a mouse comes into your yard and finds seeds on the ground, it is going to be one happy mouse. We recommend moving feeders away from your exterior. Twenty feet is a good distance. The last thing you want to do is give mice a reason to hang out near your foundation wall. It only takes a hole the size of a dime for an adult mouse to get in.


Mice aren't nearly as picky as humans. A mouse can find many food options inside a bag of trash. It is important to keep all bags of trash in receptacles. For added protection, make sure your receptacles have a cover. Mice are excellent climbers and they have the ability to jump a foot into the air. Under the right circumstances, it can be no problem for a mouse to get into an open trash bin.

Standing Water

Mice need water more than they need food. If a mouse detects water in your yard, this will be a strong attractant. There are many ways water can be made available to mice. Do what you can to remove water sources. Here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your gutters are clean and free of debris. This will make sure rainwater is being channeled away from our perimeter.

  • Remove branches in tree canopy, and remove unnecessary vegetation in areas of your landscaping that stay shaded all day long.

  • Pick toys up. A frisbee lying in your yard after a rain storm is the perfect drinking hole for a mouse.

  • Cover objects that capture rainwater, or store them in the shed or garage.

Nesting Sites

In nature, mice can be found nesting in holes. Most holes will do. You can find a mouse living in the hole of a tree, log, or stump, as well as in a rock pile, or in the ground. When a mouse comes into your yard and finds places to live, these will give him reasons to stay. Here are a few ways you can make your yard less attractive for mouse habitation.

  • Fill holes in.

  • Address ground pests, such as gophers, when you first start to see signs.

  • Apply fencing to protect the voids underneath your deck, porch, or stairs.

  • Apply fencing around sheds and outbuildings. If mice establish themselves under an exterior structure, there is a greater chance they'll become a threat to your home.

Mouse Management

If you see signs of mice in your yard, or around your home, don't wait till they're getting inside. Contact All-American Pest Control. We don't just help Brentwood residents get rid of mice, we also provide ongoing services that reduce mice and proactively work to keep mice out. We'd love the opportunity to talk with you about mouse control. Reach out to us today. We're here to help.

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