4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

4.9 Star Rating All-American Pest Control Reviews 1193 Reviews

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give and give back

We love our customers and we love to give back! Our new referral program gives us a chance to say muchos gracias and give back to local non-profits at the same time… a win-win-win for everyone!

If you have a friend or family member that may be frustrated with their current pest control service, done with the fact that their service provider doesn’t show up on time- tell your friend about All-American Pest. If you believe in our local, hardworking pest company and are out and about encouraging people to use our service, in addition to saying thanks- we will send you a $20 gift card.

Your friend or family member will receive $20 off their new service… and our friends at The Fisher House or Habitat for Humanity will receive $10.

fisher house logo

The Tennessee Fisher House Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization dedicated to bringing a Fisher House to the campus of the Alvin C. York VA Medical Center in Murfreesboro TN. It is also dedicated to assisting the house once it is built to attend to the needs of those who will be guests in the house.

For members of our Armed Forces, retirees, veterans and their families, the Fisher House offers shelter and support during a medical crisis. It offers a comforting home environment when a loved one is receiving care in an unfamiliar place during a stressful time of serious illness or injury.

Most importantly, due to the generous people, no family pays for their stay. The staffing and maintenance will be the responsibility of the VA once it is turned over to them upon completion of construction.

habitat for humanitylogo

Habitat for Humanity of Williamson County (HFHWC) is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization and ecumenical Christian ministry that works with low-income families and donors to build simple, decent homes and sell them with no profit and no interest. HFHWC has built more than 130 homes in Williamson County and continue to build 10-12 new homes per year.

HFHWC offers a hand up, not a handout. We build and sell simple, decent homes to qualifying families at no profit and carry the 20, 25 or 30-year mortgages at 0% interest. Habitat serves as both the general contractor and the mortgage lender on all of the houses. Habitat brings together sponsors and volunteers to fund and build each home in partnership with families. More than 70% of the work done on each house is done through volunteer labor, and HFHWC receives donations of money and materials from individuals, companies, and groups who are committed to the ministry of Habitat. A volunteer Family Selection Committee qualifies applicants for the Homeownership Program.

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